Symptoms of Crack Addicted Babies in Teen Years

Bean was built-in fond - 2 months weaning off of drugs in the hospital. She is a beautiful, very intelligent, spunky 2.v year old. The issues I'm having are tantrums (we're making progress), disobedience, aggression (hitting and kicking), and she is very strong willed.

I am curious how much is only being a toddler and how much is from being born addicted.

For those of y'all who have toddlers that were born exposed/addicted what issues are you having?

My oldest who was not exposed was a tough toddler...and a biter! Our youngest was exposed to everything under the lord's day and is really a fun, easy toddler ( so far!! She just turned two.) I recollect information technology is so hard to know....are all the other milestones the same?



My oldest who was not exposed was a tough toddler...and a biter! Our youngest was exposed to everything under the dominicus and is really a fun, easy toddler ( and so far!! She merely turned two.) I think it is and then hard to know....are all the other milestones the same?

She has done pretty much everything on time. She is very verbal - with an excellent vocabulary. She has great fine motor skills and very sharp thinking skills. She simply extra moody and aggressive.

I never really implemented this fully only and so many of my friends with "spirited" (ha) toddlers swore past love and logic (I think that is the name...the i 2 3 method). Hang in there!

I mutual thread with my kids has been impaired impulse control. That volition also go mitt-in-hand with tantrums.


Ane common thread with my kids has been impaired impulse control. That will also become hand-in-mitt with tantrums.



THat sounds very similar to my son. THe tantrums were bad but not terribly often. Simply he was and at near 9 still is, very sensitive. Lilliputian things throw him Fashion off. I (and his teachers) have always attributed it to him beingness highly gifted rather than drug exposed. Not sure information technology makes a deviation which it is. I volition tell yous the only thing that really helps is making sure he gets the verbal correct corporeality of slumber. He MUST go to be at viii:30 or there is really no point in even waking up the next twenty-four hour period. The volume that really helped me in toddler hood was this i. [url= south=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1400602842&sr=1-3&keywords=raising+your+strong+willed+child] Parenting the Strong-Willed Kid: The Clinically Proven Five-Week Program for Parents of Ii- to Six-Year-Olds, Third Edition eBook: Rex Forehand Ph.D.: Books[/url]

Love and logic did not piece of work on him. It fabricated a difference in a day. You might effort that, plus get her tested through your school district. Claim beliefs and sensory concerns but make sure they exercise an IQ exam on her.

THat sounds very similar to my son. THe tantrums were bad but not terribly often. But he was and at almost nine still is, very sensitive. Little things throw him WAY off. I (and his teachers) have always attributed it to him being highly gifted rather than drug exposed. Non sure information technology makes a difference which it is. I will tell you the only thing that really helps is making certain he gets the verbal right amount of sleep. He MUST go to be at viii:xxx or at that place is actually no signal in even waking upward the next twenty-four hour period. The volume that actually helped me in toddler hood was this one. [url=] Parenting the Stiff-Willed Child: The Clinically Proven Five-Calendar week Program for Parents of Two- to Half dozen-Year-Olds, Third Edition eBook: Rex Forehand Ph.D.: Books[/url]

Love and logic did not piece of work on him. It made a departure in a twenty-four hours. You might try that, plus go her tested through your school district. Claim behavior and sensory concerns but make sure they practise an IQ exam on her.

I remember reading a study of crevice-cocaine exposed babies (idk if this was what your DD was exposed to, but the point stands). Most studies like this accept horrible confounds, to the point where they barely tell you anything (ex. comparison crack babies to babies from upper middle grade families--obviously there are a lot of things different at that place besides exposure!). This one though compared urban families in poverty where mom used (vs. didn't utilise) crack during pregnancy.

They found that the exposed babies defenseless upward on developmental milestones by age one (and many didn't have whatsoever delays at all, but a few did). Withal, the exposed babies grew into toddlers with less self control and shorter attention spans.

People think that the primary effect of exposure is low IQ. Actually, other than booze, nigh drugs don't lower IQ much at all (most of the time. I know there are exceptions). Ordinarily, the reason exposed kids struggle is considering of behavioral and attention bug.

That is always the question! It is so hard sometimes to make up one's mind what is natural behavior and what is a effect of trauma or exposure.

Daisy- our current hopefully STBAFD, was born exposed to cocaine, but was not addicted- she did not have NAS.

Just equally a result of the cocaine- she was built-in very early, and then nosotros have seen a few slight delays in motor skills from that.

Equally far as behavior- she is 100% typical toddler- even less so than other toddlers. We've only had a handful of very manageable tantrums (think melting toddler act- no bones!) and little to no aggression. She really purposely pinched/grabbed me in anger after I told her no for the first fourth dimension e'er a few days ago and it shocked me! Haha. I call up she has a cautious personality that may have been carved out of her early days in foster care and and then in a failed RU situation. I think she spent a LOT of her time independent, so it kept her from venturing and exploring like other babies.

On the other paw- nosotros fostered an baby who had a terrible example of NAS- was in NICU for 5 weeks before going abode to us still experiencing symptoms. She was on track developmentally at four months and co-ordinate to her GP's was released from our EI program- just ane thing I noticed nigh her even when we visited recently is she Ever has to exist moving. I worry that she may have some lasting effects from the exposure, but only time will tell. I've heard school age is when you really can see delays and learning bug.

The things I would await for every bit being aberrant? Non responding to or learning from discipline- like non getting the "time out" concept or immediately going back to any they were doing wrong with no concern to being defenseless.

Constant motion/hyper activity- not being able to settle themselves downward after exciting or stimulating activities. Kids with sensory problems and self-regulating issues can't wind downward and have major problems with transitions. They accept a lot of trouble going from activity a to activity b.

Tantrums that last more than 10-xv minutes- again, the self-regulation is an issue. Poor impulse control- that one is hard to tell I retrieve when they are actually young because most toddlers follow their impulses without as well much thought to consequences.

If you lot contact your EI program- they tin ordinarily send you lot some really good information on normal behaviors vs abnormal and should send y'all a screening if y'all take any concerns.

Toddlers are funny trivial people in the best of situations, and terrifying in the worst! Haha.


I was wondering about this too. Our twenty month old was born drug exposed and acts like she doesn't hear u.s.a. if nosotros tell her something she doesn't want to hear. I don't know how much she understands and how much is potent willed behavior.

She too is constant move, has major meltdowns, and bites and bangs her head on thew all when frustrated with being told no. All this started with toddlerhood. She was a fairly easy baby after the first few weeks, despite exposure to the large ones.

Guessing we're definitely in for a ride equally she gets older.


Bean was born addicted - 2 months weaning off of drugs in the hospital. She is a beautiful, very intelligent, spunky two.five twelvemonth old. The issues I'm having are tantrums (we're making progress), defiance, aggression (hitting and kicking), and she is very potent willed.

I am curious how much is but existence a toddler and how much is from being built-in addicted.

For those of you who accept toddlers that were born exposed/addicted what problems are you having?

Sort of like what came showtime, the craven or the egg? LOL. This is the age-old question.

I think, just my personal experience, that it really depends on the severity of the tantrums. And then for case, are the tantrums related to but not getting their own manner, toddler behavior, or more than oftentimes meltdowns where things take gone chaotically wrong, which borders more on the sensory problems which *may* be contributed to the drug exposure and extended hospital stay.

I can tell y'all, Chubbs temper and tantrums are far more severe than Exist'south. Exist was exposed just non addicted and not equally severely exposed, supposedly. Chubbs volition laugh in my face when I am all merely yelling at him. (I don't like yelling but there are days when they become me to a breaking bespeak.) BE has the appropriate startle response when I get that loftier "mommy is very angry" tone of vocalism. Not Chubbs. He just laughs. *THAT* I think is from the drugs. *THAT* is non normal for any kid I have ever seen that was NOT exposed. My niece was the aforementioned fashion as a child merely she was alcohol exposed.

Now, saying all of that, my boss tells me virtually his youngest. He said that his temper and behavior was so out of control that had he been their commencement child, he would have been an only child. And they had ii sons before him to compare it to. And, I can be bodacious he was not exposed. It was just who he was, then. He said he outgrew it around historic period 6 and is at present the most calm and loving teen-ager. So, there is promise for the states.


People call back that the main result of exposure is depression IQ. Really, other than alcohol, most drugs don't lower IQ much at all (most of the time. I know there are exceptions). Usually, the reason exposed kids struggle is because of behavioral and attending problems.

Yes, this one. And why they are more likely besides pegged for ADHD.

Goober was great until but earlier his second bday. Hitting all his milestones, many of them early on. Particularly those in the fine and gross motor skills area. He'south always been a very active kid. Like bouncing off the walls agile. He went through a phase where he was having tantrums but outgrew them after a few months. He still has them occasionally but at a normal level.

At two though he began showing a lot of aggression, Hit, pushing, kicking and biting. His daycare worked with him for 4 months before boot him out. He began seeing a behavior therapist. Had his 2nd EI evaluation, this time beingness eligible for services so is now seeing an OT therapist. His new daycare is great. An inclusive (meaning normal kids and special ed kids together) special ed one with professionals on hand and a very low 5/1 ratio! This was the best thing always for him! In the few weeks he'due south been there I've seen a huge difference in him at dwelling house. They are much better able to cope with beliefs issues since they deal with all kinds of kids.

He too has Cypher impulse control. If he thinks it looks like fun, he'south gonna endeavor it! He'due south got no concept what so ever equally to cause and effect. He loves a good thrill but doesn't learn to stop it if he gets injure. Just does information technology again! Needless to say, the boy ever has bumps and bruises from his adventures. Nosotros accept a rough time with him on this and his safety.

In hindsight, he really began having issues before this. I simply didn't encounter them for what they were. He'southward as well got sensory issues that I didn't recognize.

When we commencement started seeing these behaviors and I was talking to his cw, she said that this is the common historic period where they begin to see these kinds of issues in most of the kids who were born fond. Lovely. I thought we had dodged the bullet.



Bean was born addicted - ii months weaning off of drugs in the hospital. She is a cute, very intelligent, spunky two.five year old. The problems I'm having are tantrums (we're making progress), defiance, aggression (hitting and boot), and she is very strong willed.

I am curious how much is just existence a toddler and how much is from being born addicted.

For those of you who have toddlers that were born exposed/addicted what issues are you lot having?

Our sons birth mom was on drugs and baby wasn't born addicted. We accept same issues and was told by specialists that it is a toddler thing. Our son is very stiff willed also. He's at present 23 months former.

All of my children were exposed to drugs, and all three had very different experiences in toddlerhood.

My daughter was extremely impulsive in toddlerhood, but as she matures, that is getting ameliorate. She has always been a complete please--happy to do anything.

My older son had daily, hour + long rages as a toddler that nosotros discovered were related to food intolerances (many many drug exposed kids have food intolerance issues), only no impulsivity problems.

My younger son is very chill. He cries easily, only other than that, has been a very easy toddler. He is three one/two now, and he's been very, very easy all the fashion around--not impulsive, very cheerful and happy to do whatsoever, easily transitions from one activity to the next, etc. He does have delays (and my older ii didn't), so maybe I'm in for information technology when he turns 4 or something, lol. He was also HEAVILY exposed to alcohol in add-on to drugs.

Our foster baby was born addicted (none of my kids were born addicted, they were all merely exposed), then perhaps it will be unlike with him. So far, he is a very easy baby.


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