Fallout New Vegas Easy Way to Kill Deathclaws

Energy weapons might be a good way to go, if you have one of the non-pistol ones.

Then there are explosives. set some mines in a line in between the deathclaw and you, then shoot it to get its' attention. You can get the sneak critical too, for extra help.

Last edited by PixelPainter; 4 Oct, 2013 @ 11:14pm

You have no buisness hunting Deathclaws at level 7. This isn`t FO3 where enemies scale to your level, thankfully.

If you`re set on it mines are your best bet.

Last edited by hghwolf; 5 Oct, 2013 @ 5:05am

If you have the caps and have saved up get a gra weapon or gun runners arsenal weapon by the gun runers arsenal dlc.

I usually cripple a leg are two first.

Lots of mines in a row between you and it, then shoot it outside of VATS, because you'll want to be outside VATS range, and then hope..... And also hope there's only one of them.

As someone said taking on DeathClaws at level 7 isn't an ideal proposition

Use Orbital Laser Strikes :Steady_Aim:

A bit early for that, indeed. Move up a few more levels. One way of dealing with them:

Convince the Followers doc to be your companion. Get the YCS (and give the doctor a Gauss rifle too). Now you should be like a nuclear submarine facing a bunch of pirate boats. Adapt the tactics accordingly and the Claws should be a weekend's easy ride in the park. One or two headshots each Claw should be enough. Just don't take up on more than 3-4 at a time - they are fast, and the reload time for Gauss is quite long.

Yes, it is fun to try once or twice....
I thought I would be cute and run backwards thru the mining camp north of Goodsprings. My thought was 'oh, he'll take time killing them and I will then kill him". It killed those guys without breaking stride and then ate me.

Depending on where you are hunting them you can use terrain to your advantage. In the Quarry near Sloan I like to sneak onto one of the conveyors as they can't path up it. It WILL take a lot of patcience using this method as when they detect you they run away and hide.

Like highwolf said no business at level seven.
Try to use mines or if your lucky find a 12.7mm sub machine to kill it

Using that pea-shooter and hitting them in their head only makes them mad.
Taking on Deathclaws at a low level is suicide. Even with a stealthboy active, they'll catch you before you know it.
My weapon of choice to deal with them is the .50 Cal Anti-material rifle using armor piercing rounds. Most adult deathclaws go down with the first hit. But the mother and alpha deathclaws take about three shots each. Even if its a sneak attack critical hit. In a confined space such as a cave ... unless you have a way to cripple them first or a follower to take the heat first ..
they'll eat you alive.

Last edited by Solomon Hawk; 5 Oct, 2013 @ 5:34pm

My quick easy answer is: Don't. Sneek past them or avoid them completely until you're a higher lvl.

If you can get up on top of one of the cranes, they can't reach you. That requires some work, luck and timing. I did that once and ran out of ammo.. kind of awkward then.

Originally posted by ReallyMeanGoldfish:

If you can get up on top of one of the cranes, they can't reach you. That requires some work, luck and timing. I did that once and ran out of ammo.. kind of awkward then.

I hear ya brother! LMAO


6 Oct, 2013 @ 4:36am

There is no way you are going to kill a bunch of Deathclaws with a level 7 character and a varmint rifle. Well, maybe you could get into a place where they can't reach you, but you will probably run out of ammo.

I cleared the Quarry Junction when my character was around level 20, I think, and I was using a unique sniper rifle from Project Nevada. And even then, I had to retry a lot and I used a lot of ammo.


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/app/22380/discussions/0/846966336189526174/

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